We would like to thank all attendees for participating in our 1st FICSP Webinar "Publishing About Anatomical Variations". The recording may now be downloaded here: Recording of 1st FICSP Webinar: Publishing About Anatomical Variations. Chair: Professor Gulgun Sengul Speakers: Professor Valéria Paula Sassoli Fazan - Professor Fabrice Duparc February 24, 2022; 2.00 pm - 3.30 […]
The 20th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomistswill be held in Istanbul, Turkey, entirely ONLINE - 5th – 7th August 2022. The 20th IFAA Congress (ifaa2022.org) Registration and abstract submission is now OPEN.Early bird registration deadline: 22nd April 2022Abstract submission deadline: 4th June 2022 Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the 20th IFAA Congress, 5 […]
The IFAA Federative International Program for Anatomical Education (FIPAE - Nalini Pather, Chair) and the Federative International Committee for Supranational Anatomical Projects (FICSAP – Helen Nicholson, Chair) have prepared a joint survey to explore what support anatomists, at varying stages in their career, would find helpful. This survey is now live. The survey is available […]
Treasurer’s report: Tom Gest As of January 9, 2022, the IFAA banking account had $40,103.17, an increase from $34,768.65, which was the balance of the IFAA account in November 2020. We have established a business banking account at Chase Bank and closed the previous IFAA account at Trustmark. The move to Chase Bank provides the […]
As members of an international anatomical ethics committee (FICEM of IFAA), we strongly condemn the recent public dissection of a body donor in the United States. This disrespectful and unethical use of this deceased individual for the entertainment of the paying public is reprehensible. There does not appear to be any educational component to this […]
Human dissection has long been the ‘gold standard’ for teaching and research in the anatomical sciences. Anatomists rely on the altruism of individuals to donate their bodies so that health sciences professionals in training can continue to be privileged by experiencing the structural details of the human body. We thus continue to be extremely grateful […]
The Portuguese Anatomical Society (AAP/SAP) and the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA) mourn the demise of Emeritus Professor José António Esperança Pina, who died on 21 October of 2020. Professor Esperança Pina was Professor and Chairman of Anatomy and of Deontology, Bioethics and Medical Law at the NOVA Medical School / Faculdade de […]
The Anatomische Gesellschaft mourns the passing of its highly esteemed member Professor Emeritus Karl Zilles, who died on 26 April 2020 after a long and serious illness. Karl Zilles was director of the Institute of Anatomy at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf for many years, later of the Institute of Neurosciences and Biophysics and finally of the Institute […]
Proceedings of the 19th IFAA Congress, 9th-11th August 2019, London, UK Abstracts of the presentations made at the 19th IFAA Congress have now been published in the Journal of Anatomy. They are available Open Access online (Volume 236, supplement1) and can be accessed via Wiley Online Library (WOL) or directly via: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/14697580/2020/236/S1 Professor D. Ceri […]