FIPAR Annual Report 2023

A series of FIPAR webinars (7th-10th) has opened internationally. FIPAR members nominate the speakers for current Anatomical research topics. Around 50 members joined for every webinar to share the topic of anatomical research. 11th FIPAR Webinar is planned in Dec. 2023. 1) 7th FIPAR Webinar, Date: Feb 1st, 2023, 9am-11:00 (CET) “Surgically relevant soft tissue […]

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9th IFAA FIPAR Webinar

20 June 2023 - Organized by Federative International Programme on Anatomical Research (FIPAR) “Anatomy of the Floor of the Oral Cavity: Assessment of Relative Hemorrhage Risk during Surgery” - Prof. Hayato Ohshima (Japan) “Comic strips to make the anatomy memorable and enjoyable” - Prof. Min Suk Chung (Korea) 20th (Tue) June 2023 10:00 - 11:10 […]

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FIPAR Report 2019-2022

FIPAR membership We have arranged new membership of the FIPAR, there are 12 members in 2019. FIPAR Zoom meetings in 2021 FIPAR organized webinars three times (April, October, December 2021), gathering around 50-100 every time all around world. New topics for Webinar Announce all the executive committee members as well as FIPAR members to restart […]

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International Federation of Associations of Anatomists

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