
IFAA Congress: Istanbul / Online, August 2022

IFAA Posts

The 20th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists
will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, entirely ONLINE - 5th – 7th August 2022. 

The 20th IFAA Congress (ifaa2022.org)

Registration and abstract submission is now OPEN.
Early bird registration deadline: 22nd April 2022
Abstract submission deadline: 4th June 2022

Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of the 20th IFAA Congress, 5 - 7 August 2022, İstanbul, Türkiye, Abstracts of the presentations made at the 20th IFAA Congress have now been published in the official journal of the TSACA, Anatomy.  They are available Open Access online (Volume 16, supplement 2) and can be accessed directly via:

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