
FIPAE Report: May 2024


FIPAE has four central goals related to promoting and further developing the Program for Anatomical Education:

  1. Nurture a connected community of anatomists and anatomical educators around the world.
  2. Promote collaborative, reciprocal initiatives that leverage the expertise of the global anatomy education community.
  3. Facilitate the exchange of educational resources and skills across institutions and borders.
  4. Take on key challenges facing 21st century anatomical education through coordinated efforts.

2023-2024 Activities

To further these goals over the past year, FIPAE's main initiatives have included:

  • Focus on the Virtual Anatomy Symposia series. These online events brought together anatomy educators from around the globe to share best practices, learn from each other, and discuss challenges/solutions. The virtual format enabled wide participation. Symposia in 2023, included:
    • All in One: Creating interactive packages for medicine and health. Dr Christina Byun, UNSW Australia
    • Anatomy education in changing times: a case study of Nigeria.  Dr Izuchukwu Okafor, Nnamdi Asikwe University, Nigeria
    • Are We Ready To Embrace Change & Shape The Educator Of Tomorrow. Professor Nalini Pather, University of Queensland, Australia
    • Does the North American shortage of anatomists foretell a worldwide shortage? Professor Adam Wilson, Rush University, USA
    • Fetal and embryological collections: perspectives on informed consent in changing societal times. Ms Joyce El-Haddad, UNSW Australia
    • Keeping up (ethically!!) with advances in technology when teaching human anatomy, Professor Beverley Kramer, Wits University, South Africa
    • Medical Anatomy and Pathology E-learning Lab (MAPEL). Associate Professor Lakshmi Selvarathnam, Monash University Malaysia
    • Sculpting bodies: Developing low tech resources for teaching and learning medical embryology. Associate Professor Olesegun Oyedele, University of British Columbia, UK
    • Why is sense of touch an important modality for observation and learning in education? Leonard Shapiro, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Promoting Collaboration with Anatomy Societies:  In 2023, FIPAE was invited by the Chilean Association of Anatomists to organise the following joint symposia at their conference.
    • Joint Symposium on Augmented Reality
    • Symposium on the Role of Women in Science
    • Symposium on Emerging Trends in Anatomical Sciences Education
  • Supporting the development of Anatomy Educators: Together with FICSAP, and in partnership with Flinders University in Australia, FIPAE supported the pilot Faculty Development Program, including provision of three of the six mentors for the program. The mentee partners were:
Dr Izuchukwu OkaforFIPAE - Nalini Pather n.pather@unsw.edu.au
Dr Chinedu Godwin UzombaFIPAE - Olusegun Oyedele olusegun.oyedele@ubc.ca
Dr Boma ErekosimaFIPAE - Manisha Dayal M.Dayal@westernsydney.edu.au

Looking forward

  • 2024 IFAA Congress: FIPAE has developed three symposia for the congress and continue to support the symposia chairs in their organisation
  • Committee Membership: Following the 2024 Congress, the membership of FIPAE subcommittees will be refreshed to foster renewed focus and engagement.  An EOI will be circulated to IFAA member societies for nominations.  This will enable FIPAE to expand its work and reach its goals.


International Federation of Associations of Anatomists

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