About us

The IFAA is committed to developing guidelines to support equality and diversity. The Federation, and its member associations, do not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, race, colour, national origin or religion. The Federation is further committed to learning from the past to ensure that the future is more equitable. We encourage open dialogue on matters of equality and diversity in order to enable a future without bigotry or prejudice for all anatomists and all others who have cause to use the anatomical sciences.

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News and Activities

FIPAE Report: May 2024
FIPAE has four central goals related to promoting and further developing the Program for Anatomical Education: 2023-2024 Activities To further these goals over the past year, FIPAE's main initiatives have included: Mentees Mentors Dr Izuchukwu Okafor FIPAE - Nalini Pather n.pather@unsw.edu.au Dr C...
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FIPAR Annual Report 2023
A series of FIPAR webinars (7th-10th) has opened internationally. FIPAR members nominate the speakers for current Anatomical research topics. Around 50 members joined for every webinar to share the topic of anatomical research. 11th FIPAR Webinar is planned in Dec. 2023. 1) 7th FIPAR Webinar, Date: ...
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IFAA College of Representatives Annual Report 2023
Mainly the activities of IFAA (including FICS and FIPS, Plexus and Soundbites) were shared with the College of Representatives. On 08 May 2023 an updated list of IFAA member societies’ officers was sent by Prof. Susana Biasutto and the list of the representatives was updated according to this list...
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FICSP Annual Report 2023
1) In the year 2023, FICSP welcomed two new members. Phillip Cox assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief for the 'Journal of Anatomy,' succeeding Professor Gillingwater, while Monty Montana joined the committee as the Editor-in-Chief for 'Aging Cell.' Currently, there are 22 members in FICSP representin...
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FICEDA Annual Report 2023
Last year, FICEDA conducted a survey of the membership of the IFAA to assess to what extent the constituent member associations were engaged in matters relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI). From the results of the survey, IFAA guidelines for EDI were formulated and approved by the E...
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FICSAP Annual Report 2023
The main activity of FICSAP, in collaboration with FIPAE, this year has been a joint pilot programme with Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia aimed at facilitating the development of emerging anatomists from Africa in educational research. The programme is modelled on one that Flinders has been...
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Committees and Programmes


PLEXUS is the newsletter of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists. View the latest and all previous PLEXUS issues online.

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About the IFAA

The International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA), which was established in 1903, is the professional domicile of Associations of Anatomy from around the globe (please also read our About-page for additional information and narrated slides).  It seeks to stimulate friendship and cooperation among members of associations of anatomists and encourages scientific, technological, educational and administrative exchanges among anatomists worldwide.  The IFAA provides a platform for strong scientific debate, advancement of teaching and biomedical research in the anatomical disciplines and a venue, through its programmes and committees, for discussions on the development of core syllabuses, educational and biomedical research, ethics, equality and diversity in the anatomical sciences and other relevant issues. The Federation also coordinates and supports the preparation, revision and publication of documents on the terminology of the anatomical sciences and promotes international scientific congresses and other meetings of anatomical and morphological sciences.

Human health and disease have become more complex over the last millennium.  Many of the crucial discoveries and innovations in relation to health have, as their basis, the foundations of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry.  The anatomical sciences, which include cell biology, histology, morphology (including clinical anatomy), neurosciences, developmental biology, oral biology, veterinary sciences, physical anthropology and other allied disciplines, are now more relevant than ever before, not only as the foundation for knowledge of the clinical sciences, but also for production of high-quality biomedical research.

The vision of the IFAA is to generate vibrant scientific exchange and development between its member Associations in all areas of the anatomical sciences.

As our mission, we seek to encourage the growth of teaching and research in all fields of anatomy, maintain high standards and ethical values in the use of human bodies for teaching and research, and develop policies in support of the discipline of anatomy.


International Federation of Associations of Anatomists

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